Q and A


How can I get HIV meds if COVID prevents me returning the UK?

Hi, I am HIV positive and treated in the UK, but my meds will run out before I cab return home. Are there guidelines for what I can do?


Hi there

This happened a lot over the last this due to COVID restrictions that limited travel options.

The following options are only for extenuating circumstances such as pandemic-related travel restrictions. They are not for other reasons such as just deciding to staay away for longer.

  1. Trying to get meds from a local clinic in the country you are now in. This might involve your UK clinic contacting the local clinic. It might mean you or your insurance will have to pay for these meds, depending on which country you are in.
  2. Getting a friend in the UK to arrange getting the meds to you by courier, with documents from your UK clinic. Your friend would have to collect the meds from the UK clinic, or you clinic would have to send your meds to your friend.
  3. You could arrange a courier to collect meds from the UK clinic and delivery them to you abroad. This is the least preferred option.

This linked Word document explains all three options in more detail. This is not for general use. It is for your UK clinic.
Patients Stuck Abroad and Needing ARVs (Word doc)

It is also good to contact a local HIV organisation in the country you are in as they might be able to help with small supplies.


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