Q and A


Long term side effects from PEP.

I took PEP (Truvada and Isentress) five times in the last 10 years for 21 to 28 days each time. My doctor treated them as very safe and I suffer from anxiety, so it was prescribed after every situation of low risk with someone of unknown status. I’m a heterosexual male in my 40s, I have read the side effects which include bone density loss, kidney problems and even cancer from Isentress. Do you see those side effects could present in my case? Will these drugs affect my genetic material if I want to have kids? My kidneys are filtering 10% under average for my age but can’t prove that it wasn’t like that before taking these meds. Thank you for your help!


Hi, how are you doing?

The side effects you have mentioned are associated with these medications when on long-term use. Having 5 courses of 10 years is not going to lead to these complications. Your doctor was right to treat the course of PEP as safe.

During PEP side-effects are often noted to be short term and resolve when the course ends. There will have been no long-term effect to your genetic material. You are safe to have children.

Truvada is linked to kidney function loss. However, this is assessed long term and can present within 6 months of starting. In your case you were not on it longer than 28 days at a time. Are you aware of of any kidney problems you had before starting PEP? Filtering 10% under average does not indicate loss of function. As it’s an average many people will fall into the same bracket as you are are very healthy.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Judith, I am sorry to hear about this experience. Were you able to report this?

    As PEP is only a short course of treatment there are no long term side effects. The current symptoms you are experiencing are not related to PEP. Please speak to a doctor for them to investigate and manage as appropriate.

  2. Judith

    Hi,I took PEP sometime back in 2019 after arape but almost towards end of my tablets they discovered that there were no need of taking medicine I completed them but now am very week in body just every simple disease like flue can put me down and I have never gained energy since them could that be side effect of PEP

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Jay, oral sex carries little to no risk of HIV transmission. In these cases PEP is not routinely recommended. Saliva contains antiviral properties making HIV transmission very rare (there has been no recorded cases of HIV transmission via oral sex alone). Skin to skin contact is not a risk for HIV transmission.

    More information about transmission can be found here: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/hiv-transmission-and-testing

    Have you had your back examined by a doctor? Most commonly back pain is musculoskeletal. It is very rare for back pain to be caused by kidney failure/damage. Since you have been on PrEP have you had your renal function monitored?

    As you have mentioned, there is some risk of you having an ulcer. In these cases in would be more likely that this is the cause of your back pain. Have you noticed any other changes that could suggest kidney problems e.g., change in urine colour/frequency, pain or have you had any recent fevers?

  4. Jay

    Hello Josh. I have a question: I took daily PrEP pills (Emtricitabine and Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate) for 4 months straight, so that was during last week of December 2023 and stopped at early week of April 2024 because of my back aching, which may be my kidneys being affected. Unfortunately, I had unprotected oral sex and skin to skin contact with a sex worker with unknown status mid April. A day later, I went to the clinic and I’m prescribed with HIV PEP pills (dolutegravir lamuvudine tenofovir) needed for 28 days straight. On my 3rd day, I feel the aching on my back again. Would this lead to kidney failure on my part and how can I deal with this? I am afraid I might persist having HIV if I stop the pills. I also have current gastro problems like gerd and having inflammation when eating tasty foods (salty, fatty, and so on) and I’m afraid I have ulcer on my stomach or somewhere in my digestive system.

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Victor, after a year you would not experience any side effects form treatment you had last year. Even though the symptoms are similar, PEP is not the cause and you should speak to a doctor for investigations about what else is causing these problems you currently have.

  6. Victor

    Hi I took pep last year almost at this same period..the side effects.. disappeared but for now almost one year..it seems the same side effects are coming back .. only the rush and no any other effects..what could be the problem

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Xxx, as this is severe pain have you gone to see your doctor about this?

    What is the name of the PEP you are taking? and how long after taking PEP are you experiencing this pain?

    For more information about PEP please see here: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/pep-faq

  8. Xxx

    I’ve been taking Pep for 4 days now. I am feeling severe pain in my stomach. Had a vaginal sex and the condom broke with an unknown status person. Now I am feeling pain in my stomach when taking Pep especially night hours

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Junior, what is the name of the PEP you are taking? and is this PEP or PrEP?

    PrEP is a 2-drug combination and is used to prevent exposure before sex whereas PEP is used after an exposure. PEP is a 3-drug combination and is more similar to HIV treatment.

    PrEP: https://i-base.info/guides/prep
    PEP: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/pep-faq

    As with all skin changes you should go to a doctor for these changes to be examined. Have these rashes only started recently or have they been present for the 6 months you have been taking this medication?

  10. Junior

    I have been taking pep for 6 month because I have been have sexual intercourse with my girl who is hiv positive but now am starting to have skin rushes at my back and stomach and legs


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