
I didn’t double dose for on-demand PrEP.

Good afternoon, I just realised I took one pill on Sunday 5hrs before sex instead of two pills on a demand event. I carried on taking one dose 24hrs and then 48hrs after sex. However on Tuesday, I had sex again and I carried on taking one pill every day because I will have sex again within 4 days. I would like to know if I have to take 2 pills one day before sex or if I can carry on taking one pill only. Thank you.


Hi, how are you doing?

You do not need to take a double dose. As you have been taking PrEP continuously and there is not a gap of more than 7 days, a single pill is all you need to take.

This is a guide to real-life examples of on-demand dosing.

Regarding the initial double dose that was missed. It is not ideal but some PrEP is better than no PrEP. For this event there would be less protection than if you took the double dose but you have continued with PrEP as you needed. At this point taking a double dose is not going to be of any benefit.



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