Q and A


I tested at 25 days, do I need another test?

I had a fourth generation test at my local GUM clinic because I was very anxious I had one test at 11 days and the other at 25 days, both results were negative. I know the EU recommendation is for the 4th Generation test to be done at 28 days. How much can I rely on these results or should I now take another test which today will be day 47?


Thank you for your question.

Most fourth generation tests are 95% accurate 4 weeks after exposure but less so the earlier you use them. Your results are good news. UK guidelines (BASHH) recommended testing after 90 days for a conclusive result. If you are still worried then you should go for another test.

For more information on testing follow this link


  1. Charlotte Walker

    For more information about fourth generation tests please follow this link. In the UK, all GUM clinics, STI clinics and GP offer these tests free of charge. For more information please see this link

  2. tina

    Firstly, I have to say this site is amazing and very up to date with the information. Secondly I am sorry to kind of hijack the thread but a fourth generation test what is this and where do they do them?