
I have taken my doses of PEP at the wrong time.

I was late on starting PEP (on the 3rd day) because an exposure happened on Friday night. I took my initial treatment at 11:45 as I could not wait for the next day. Then that night I took it at 20:00. I’ve just realised that I should have taken it at 23:45 as well. The inconsistency in the time is worrying me as it’s not 12 hrs between each dose but 8 and 15. What are the chances that the PEP isn’t working and can I change the time to 8 in the morning moving forward?


Hi, how are you doing?

What regimen of PEP have you been given? Usually it is given as a single pill that you take once every 24 hours? Or if you have been given two different types, are you taking them at different times?

If this is a specific 12 hourly regimen for PEP, it is still likely to be effective. In the first instance you took PEP earlier so would have increased the amount of PEP in your body. This should make it okay for the longer period of time between doses that happened next.

As the last dose you have mentioned was 20:00, it would be okay to continue taking PEP at every 12 hours from this point. The next dose being 08:00 in the morning followed by 20:00 in the evening and so on.

Please see this link for more information about PEP:
