
My viral load has increased from 37 to 807. Can I decrease it?

Hi, I’m taking my medication religiously but my viral load just shot up to 807 from 37 from the last time I tested. What can I do to decrease it?


Hi, how are you doing?

Even though this is a big jump in your viral load, it might still be a blip.

Have you had this result checked with a second test? This would be the first step in the UK.

This is the only way to find out if this is a lab error. How long was the time between your result of 37 and this most recent test? If you could email me rought dates this would help.

There are factors that can temporarily increase your viral load like other infections and vaccines. Though it would not be usual to have a rise this big in your viral load.

Can I just check that by taking your medication religiously you mean every day and at the right time?

If you never miss doses and that this result is not a lab error, you might need to change your meds. This will reduce the chance of developing more drug resistance.

If you have been missing some doses, then being careful now might bring viral load down again. This include following food recommendations (if appropriate).



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