Q and A


Do I have HIV?

I am concerned about HIV after possible exposure in June last year. I had 3 HIV tests which were all negative at 9wks 15wks and 22wks. 1 month after exposure I have a white furry tongue which went away after 2wks and a rash on my cheek which I have had for a year now. I had a biopsy which showed low positive for lupus but I have no joint pains. Also my immune system is overactive rheumatoid factor 19 and anti nuclear antigen low positive.

Do you have any idea of a disease or virus I could have caught causing these problems? My white blood cells are normal. My counselor believes it may be anxiety, the nurses believe it could it be something like hypochondria? I also had syphilis and hepatitis B and series of other tests. Can HPV (Human Papiloma Virus) cause these symptoms and do I need another HIV test? I just want to know the cause and what other tests to have?


Thank you for your question.

It is important as a point of clarity to say that we are not doctors and can’t diagnose different diseases. We provide factual information on HIV and antiretrovirals.

I think your nurses and counselor may be right when they suggest these symptoms are brought on by undue anxiety and hypochondria. If you had 3 tests all of which were negative for HIV then you do not have HIV. You do not need another test unless you have exposed yourself to HIV again. Please follow this link to a similar question.

For further information on transmission and testing please follow this link


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Yusuf,

    Please see Q’s 1 and 8 here:


  2. yusuf

    i went for an hiv rapid test 4wks after having an unprotected sex and it came out negative.. though i have some many symptoms related to hiv. i told ma doctor bout it and he ran me another hiv test,9wks after exposure and it came back negative also.he then ran a couple tests on me,later he called me and said i have ‘scarlet fever,ulcer,urinary trach infection,malaria,etc’ and that those are also the symptoms of scarlet fever.. he give me some antibiotics which only worked for 3days and then stopped working,prolly becouse i took a break four days after starting the drugs.. a friend of mine suggested i go for another hiv test. please how accurate was the 2 test i did earlie?