
Will a HPV vaccination affect my HIV test?

Hi there,

Would a HPV (Human Paillomavirus) vaccination 5 days before possible HIV exposure delay or stop antibody production for HIV.

Also how accurate are the Dr Thom HIV Home Saliva Test

Many Thanks


Thank you for your question.

A HPV vaccination should not affect production of HIV antibodies following infection.

The Dr Thom HIV Saliva Tests are not as accurate as the blood tests available free of charge from any NHS GUM clinic. The tests are good at picking up negative tests. However a large amount of ‘reactive’ results are picked up and many of these are actually negative. This means there is a high rate of false positives. If a ‘reactive’ test occurs then the person taking the test has to go to a GUM clinic to get a more accurate test to confirm whether or not they are HIV positive.

For further information on the Dr Thom HIV Home Saliva Test pleas follow this link

For further information on HIV testing in general please follow this link