Q and A


Is the ELFA VIDAS test a duo test?

Thank you for answering my question http://i-base.info/qa/1940 promptly.

Can you please let me know if the ELFA test is a Duo test or is also referred to as the ELFA Vidas test? I have noticed that all references to ELFA tests are commonly discussed and reported in many websites as ELFA VIDAS

Also, I would appreciate if you can confirm or provide information on whether ELFA tests are CDC/FDA approved and it is a legally approved test in India?

Thank you very much and look forward to your response.


Thank you for your question.

The ELFA test does test for antigens and antibodies so is a duo test. It is FDA approved. For information about whether it is legally approved in India you should contact the Department of Health in India.


  1. Rebecca McDowall

    I’m sorry but i-Base no longer answers individual questions about risks of HIV transmission or HIV testing.

    This service is based on information relating to treatment of people who are HIV positive.

    Information online
    Most testing questions are already answered on the FAQ page.

    Our HIV Testing and risks of sexual transmission guide has more detailed and easy to read information about these topics.

  2. Benmbarek

    I had sexual contact since two months. I did a test with elfa vidas technics 52 days after a contact, the results is negatif, should i repete the test?