Is it safe to take PEP while breastfeeding?
7 May 2022. Related: All topics, PEP/PEPSE, Pregnancy.
Is it safe to take PEP while breastfeeding?
Thanks – meds used in PEP are commonly used by women who are breastfeeding.
Please do not worry about this.
It is more important that the PEP protects you and your baby from the risk of HIV.
Please see this link for more information about PEP:
Hi Tasneem, as your husband in on treatment do you know his viral load? If it is below 200/undetectable there is no risk of transmission and you do not need PEP. This is called U=U. This means that when someone is on treatment and their viral load is suppressed, there is so little HIV that it is impossible to pass on HIV via sex.
It isn’t recommended to use a partners treatment as PEP. While it can be the same treatment, there are other ARVs that are not recommended to be used as PEP. ARVs are a prescribed medication and they should only be used by the person that the doctor has intended.
Are you able to access a hopsital/clinic to get PEP if U=U does not apply?
Can i use my husbands arvs as pep medication for myself as the condomn broke and he is hiv positive
Hi Jennifer, congratulations on your baby. Yes it is safe to take PEP while pregnant and breastfeeding.
Is it safe to take PEP while pregnant and breastfeeding