Q and A


Are side effects after extended use of ARVs inevitable?

I was diagnosed in June 2018. RITA test showed recent infection, straightaway on ARVs (biktarvy). I’m 59, in good health, eat well, don’t smoke, exercise and I am undetectable.

However I’m getting increasingly concerned about ARV’s. I don’t experience side effects but is it inevitable because of long term use I will start to get decreased bone density, dementia, heart problems?


Hi, how are you doing?

No. Side effects from extended use are not inevitable.

As you currently have no side effects and lead a healthy life style, there is no reason to think this will change. Even when continuing with your ARVs.

In your case, you have been on ARVs fro 4 years – and a new combination. This is even more encouraging that you will not experience this.

ARVs are generally well tolerated by people – this is why people can stay on them for life.

Long term side effects are generally observed from older medications. These being what you suggested as bone density and heart problems.

The long term side effects from newer medications are less known. However as they are better tolerated with more understanding of how they work, side effects would be expected to be less than previous generations of drugs.

Is your doctor monitoring your kidney function while you are on Biktarvy?



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