Q and A


Can I get ART if I move to Poland to work?

Hi there, I’m Positive. I have got a job offer from Poland, that needs me to relocate to Poland.

Before I could make a decision of moving to the county I wanted to understand few things with regards to HIV in Poland

1. How is the condition of PLHIV in Poland ? Are we treated well? Do doctors differentiate between polish citizens and foreigners? Is there any stigma associated?

2. Do we have all the HIV medicines available in Poland ? My current combination is ( Dolutegravir, Tenofovir Alafenamide + Emtricitabine ). Do we have the above combination available in Poland ?

3. Do I need to pay for the medicines or is it free from the Polish Government

4. Are there any HIV Organisations in Poland that help us with our queries like I-base ? Any NGO information would be of great help

5. Can I take one year of medicines with me to Poland?

6. Could you please help me with any portals that tells the cost of HIV medicines in Poland


Hi there

i-Base is in the UK, so contacting an organisation in Poland is important.

Luckily, a colleague knows the country well and has also answered your questions below.

  1. No difference between treating Polish citizens and foreigners. Treatment and monitoring is free of charge, but this will need you to be insured. Plenty of non-Polish people are on ART.
  2. Poland has access to all meds, including the one’s you are taking.
  3. No one is pays for ART. Non-insured patients are supposed to pay for the examinations, but not for the drugs.
  4. There is no need to go through any NGO and doctors speak English. However, an organisation that you can contact is: Foundation for Social Education (FES Fundacja Edukacji Społecznej (www.fes.edu.pl/en).
  5. Taking some meds with you is a good idea. This will give you time to settle and to arrange your treatment. I don’t know if there is a limit to how much you can take. Usually 3-6 months would be okay if you are moving for work. If you take more, it might be useful to also take a letter from your doctor.
  6. Medicines are free.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi James, please see the answer to the main question in this stem. As i-base is a UK based charity we do not have more information than what has already been provided.

  2. James

    Please l got work visa to Poland and l have been taking my drug on HIV since 9.years now can l have working permit in Poland if l relocate

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi ced, I am sorry but this UK service is about HIV treatment. Please contact an HIV organisation in Poland for something this specific.

  4. ced

    If the employer in Poland found out that you are HIV Positive, do they have the right to terminate you from work?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Vasu, I am sorry but I do no know what you mean. Did you have a comment/question?

  6. Vasu

    following on above +1

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Linda, unfortunately we do not have any more information than what has been answered in the main question. I-base is UK based and I am not aware of foreign policy for access to treatment.

  8. Linda

    Can l get free HIV treatment (ARVs) in Poland if am on work visa and how expensive is the examination


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