Q and A


Can I drink after PEP?

Hello, I am on PEP, I decided not to take anything alcoholic during the regimen, my question is after the 28 day course, how long should I wait to drink alcohol again? I only drink beer and a little wine, no any other form of alcohol.
Thank you


Hi, how are you?

You can have alcohol now. Alcohol does not reduce how effective PEP is. The problem some people experience is alcohol causing them to forget to take PEP. This is how it reduces effectiveness. However if you remember, there is no problem consuming alcohol while on PEP. Now that you have finished your course there is no risk of it affecting PEP.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Enoch, please see this previous question for information about D17: https://i-base.info/qa/20156

  2. Enoch

    Hi doc i went for pep doctor gave me d17 will it work for me as pep am worried

  3. Leiter

    Thanks Josh. The man in the chemist who gave it to me told me that it would reduce its effectiveness if I drank alcohol but I guess he said this because it may mean I’d forget to take it. I would never drink to the point where it would make me forget, though.

  4. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Leiter, drinking alochol while on PEP will not reduce how effective it is. As long as alcohol is not causing you to forget to take PEP at the same time each day, it will not make PEP work less.

  5. Leiter

    Does drinking alcohol while on “Dolutegravir, Emtricitabine, Tenofovir, Alafenamide (a single pill) for PEP reduce its effectiveness?

  6. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Rock350, consuming alcohol will not effect PEP. As long as alcohol does not cause you to forget to take PEP there is no interaction between them.

  7. Rock350

    Hi doc iam on my pep medicine since last 10 days. IAM a binge drinker . So if I consume alcohol will it effect my pep medicine?


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