
Will storing PEP in a cold place prevent them working?


I’ve stored my PEP (Truvada and Raltegravir) in my bedroom which is rather cold, I also binned the moisture absorbing desiccant from my Truvada bottle at the start of course. I am concerned that I have now made the PEP medication tablets useless and may have reduced the effectiveness of the medication. Would you agree ?

Thanks, Conner.


Hi Conner, how are you doing?

How cold is your room? For both medications it is recommended to keep them between 20 and 25 degrees centigrade. Outside of this range, it is not possible to say how the effectiveness of these drugs have changed. Other drugs will change differently than others.

This is also true for moisture. Removing the desiccant means PEP will not be protected from moisture and this too can have an impact on how well this medication works.

This isn’t to say that PEP will not work. Taking it will still be more protective than not taking it at all. Especially as you are taking a 3-drug regimen rather than a 2-drug.

Are you able to get these drugs replaced and store them in a more appropriate place?

Please see this link for more information about PEP:



  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Joly, please see this link for infor about PEP including this Q.

  2. Joly

    I’m storting my PrEP (blister packaging) in a drawer in my living room. Sometimes it gets as warm as 28-29 degrees. Can that have an effect on how well the pills work?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Addis, what is name of the PEP and the antibiotics you want to take?

  4. Addis

    I’m take PEP Can I use antibiotics

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Yaya, a warm house is not going to have an impact on your treatment. It is okay to keep them stored as you are currently doing so.

  6. Yaya

    I take PEP. My house is warm but not too hot. I keep the tablets in a hard paper so the content level can be low?

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Emrys, as long as the temperature is not too hot or too wet your tablets will still work.

  8. Emrys

    I took pep tablets after being exposed out of their tin
    Does it react with environment and be harmful to my body when taken