Q and A


When Atripla is approved, can I still take efavirenz and Truvada separately?

Since starting treatment with Sustiva (efavirenz) and Truvada (tenofovir+ FTC), last December, I have managed to maintain 100% adherence.

My viral load went undetectable in less than two weeks and all the inconvenient side effects faded in a matter of months. Despite routinely taking my drugs at 10PM, shortly before going to bed, even the vivid dreams have gone and my sleep is now completely unaffected.

Despite what I had prepared myself for; I am lucky and my medications do not impinge on my life, my CD4 counts have more than doubled, my CD4 percentages have more than tripled and viral load is staying suppressed.

In short, I am really happy with the choice of drugs I made for my first regimen (and grateful to my doctor for supporting that choice, despite it not being her recommendation and being more expensive than her recommendation).

On my most recent clinic visit, the nurse very matter-of-factly told me “Oh, we will be swapping you to Atripla next time we see you” .. and then seemed somewhat taken aback when I replied that I really wasn


Yes, the individual drugs will continue to be made separately, and you can continue with exactly the same dosing if you prefer this.

Your question shows very good advantages in keeping the flexibility of separate drugs.

If you do switch, you could also keep some of your separate drugs to use in the future when you go out. Switching back to separate dosing on days when you stay out late should not cause any problems.


  1. Mark


    That is most helpful and opens up a very practical third alternative that I really hadn


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