Q and A


Can I give my baby formula milk when she is on nevirapine?

I’m HIV positive and i got a 6weeks old baby. I breastfed her for the first 2weeks. In the third week, because i’ve been taking my treatment well, i decided switched to formula milk…

Can i still continue feeding her formula while she is on nevirapine?


Hi there

Thanks – and congratulations on your new baby.

The nevirapine is important for your baby whether you use formula or beast/chest milk.

Both are really safe with nevirapine.

This link has more information about different ways babies are given meds to protect against HIV. It varies in different countries:

best wishes



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Florence, congratulations on having a baby. Has baby had any tests yet for HIV?

    Mixed feeding can increase the risk of baby when doing so before 6 months. Changing between feed types can irritate baby’s tummy while it is still developing. This irritation can increase the risk of transmission. As you are on treatment with an LDL viral load, the risk is minimal but can be lower if you are able to feed using one method.

    After 6 months there is no risk of changing between feed types as baby will have a developed tummy.

  2. Florence

    I’m on ART and my virus load is LDL and I’m mix feeding my baby…breastfeed and formula…will this affect my baby? She’s taking co-trimoxizole…and I want to stop breathing while she’s 2 months is there any problem?


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