Does my CD4 count result mean I have HIV?
4 April 2023. Related: All topics, CD4 and viral load, Newly diagnosed.
I did an HIV test on January and the results said I’m 512 CD4 count. The sister said I’m HIV positive, so I would like to know if I am sick or not if my cd4 count is 512?
Hi, how are you doing?
CD4 count is not used to diagnose HIV. CD4 count can remain in a healthy range (430 – 1690) even while living with HIV.
It is common for CD4 count to be lower in HIV positive people not on treatment as HIV damages the CD4 cells. But as this damage does not happen at the same rate for everyone it cannot be used to confirm someones HIV status.
Have you had another test? Usually a 4th generation test is used. This looks for antigens and/or antibodies in the blood. These results do not change with or without treatment.
Have you been told what you viral load was? and have you started treatment?