
Have my meds stopped working?

I’m from Ghana. I am HIV/hepB co-infected and I’m currently taking antiretrovirals TLD, to be precise. Last year I was told that my viral load is less than 20. But this year I’ve been having severe headaches, chills and fever, diarrhoea and constipation. I’ve had it three times already. Please help me. What am I not doing right? Or are my meds is not working anymore cos occasionally I forget to take it on time.


Hi, how are you doing?

Have you been to speak with a doctor about these symptoms? and have you had to take any treatment each time you have experienced this?

It is great that your viral load is suppressed. It means that your treatment is working and HIV is not damaging your body. Do you know your recent CD4 count?

As you are on treatment and your viral load is suppressed, it would suggest that your symptoms are being caused by something else. How often are you missing/being late with treatment? If this is not common it is unlikely to have any significant effect, especially as your viral load is still so low.



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