Q and A


Is it possible to get a false positive with a rapid test?


I was recently diagnosed with abdominal TB after surgery. The doctor filled out a lab form requesting I take an ELISA test but the public clinic only takes rapid tests. I have been recovering very well for the past month and I want to know if rapid tests are as reliable as the ELISA test? Is there a chance of false positive results with a rapid test? Is it possible for HIV positive TB patients to recover without ARVs?


Thank you for your question.

The rapid test is an ELISA test are very similar. They both check for an immune response to HIV infection. They are equally reliable.

Every test has a slight chance of a false positive. This is usually as small as 0.5% chance. If a positive result is found then it is advisable to have a confirmatory test. The test done to confirm a positive result is usually a Western blot test. If this is also positive then there is no doubt that the individual testing has HIV.

It is possible that someone with HIV can recover from TB with TB treatment alone and no ARVs. It is not possible for a HIV positive person to recover from a low CD4 count without taking ARVs.

For further information about HIV tests please follow this link