Q and A


8 negative HIV test – do I have HIV?

I had 2 unprotected exposures about 6 years ago and have had about 8 HIV tests done since then, the second of all the tests was a ‘false positive’ according to the doctor, but after the second one the other six have been negative. I have had an HIV test done every year for the past six years and all have been negative. Is it possible to be HIV negative after all? Have there been any cases of so many negative HIV tests and someone really being positive?


Thank you for your question.

If you have had 6 consecutive negative HIV tests then you do not have HIV. It is not possible to have so many negative tests and be HIV positive.


  1. Charlotte Walker

    A non-reactive test means you do not have HIV. If you have had 2 negative tests then you do not need to test again.

  2. Kevin

    I had a sexual intercourse a bit more then one and a half year back with woman who I paid to have sex with me. I had unprotected sex with her for a bit of 2 minutes or so as the condom tore off. I did not have any unprotected sex since then. I have tested twice after a duration of 6 months and both are Non-Reactive. Please tell me if I am negative and positive? Should I do any other test to confirm the same?