Q and A


Can I do something to reduce the side effects of my combination?

Hi there
I have just started taking my combo of efavirenz and Kivexa at night and am towards the end of my first week of therapy. While I have had no vivid dreams, sickness, or anxiety, the feeling of dizziness and being “spaced out” is bad and lasts the whole day until evening. I do not feel I can concentrate and I feel a bit like a zombie!

Is there anything I can take to minimise these side effects or any natural methods instead? I don’t really wish to change combo yet as apart from this, it seems to be settling well with my body.



There are several things that may help, they are discussed in more detail on the efavirenz pages of our side effects guide.

1. Avoiding fatty food, especially near the time when you take your dose. Although you can take efavirenz with or without food, a high fat meal can increase the efavirenz levels by 60%. If you have been taking it with high fat meals, this could have increased the side effects.

2. Haloperidol to reduce anxiety and sleeping pills to improve your sleep can also help, as often the “spaced out” symptom, as well as fatigue and lack of concentration, are a result of not getting enough sleep.

3. You do not have to continue with efavirenz to prove anything to yourself ot to please your doctor. If your side effects continue and they detiriorate your quality of life to an extent that you cannot meet your daily routine, you can switch to other medications that agree better with your body.

Otherwise, hopefully things are already getting easier – most people report that after the first week or so they notice a difference.

Finally, a recent study found that abacavir (one of the drugs in Kivexa) increased the risk of cardiovascular disease, especially in people who already have a high risk of heart disease. As part of your routine care this is something you should discsuss when you next see your doctor.


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