Q and A


Can I move when I take Atripla by 1 hour to avoid dizziness?

Have started on treatment last week (Atripla) for the first time and am taking the tablet at 9pm every day. If I want to move this to 10pm, as I’m finding dizziness starts before I go to bed, should I do this on one day or say over 3 days, i.e. 9.20 then 9.40 and then 10pm? Similar question would apply when we put the clocks back in the UK by an hour later this month.


Thank you for your question.

If you are just changing your treatment time by an hour then that should be no problem at all both now and at the end of the month when the clocks change. You can just do this in one day and do not need to stagger it over 3 days.

Many people find that they get dizziness when they start taking efavirenz (one of the drugs in Atripla). These side effects should lessen 2-4 weeks after starting treatment. For more information please follow this link

If you find after 4 weeks that these symptoms continue and that they are affecting your quality of life then you should speak to your HIV doctor about changing to another treatment.


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