
What is the risk to the male if he has given oral sex and has bad gums occasionally swollen?

How likely is it to catch HIV from performing oral sex on a women from the male who is negative? Reading through some of your answers it tells me there is very minimal risk. My question is what is the risk to the male if he has no cuts in the mouth but has bad gums occasionally swollen?

Am I still at risk?
Has my chances of contracting the virus increased?

Please reply as the anxiety has taken over my life.

I did go for a 4th gen test 12 days after exposure and it came back negative. I know the results won’t be a 100% but what % would you mark it?


Thank you for your question.

I have already answered the question about risk with oral sex, the answer can be seen here. If you have swollen gums then it is possible the risk may increase slightly but it is still very minimal.

It is impossible to say the % likelihood that your first test was correct. Everyone is different and I cannot say at what point your body will generate antibodies. A fourth generation test is accurate 3-4 weeks after an exposure.