Q and A


I am having trouble with hair loss, is it as a result of the HIV meds?

Dear all,

Once again thanks for your continued advise and guidance.

I was diagnosed HIV positive and in Dec 2009 I started meds immediately with a CD4 count of 150 and viral load of over 500,000.

I am on Atripla, I reached an undetectable viral load of 47 for the first time in June 2010 and this has also remained the only time that I’ve tested below 50 since than my viral load has always remained slightly above detectable between 54 and 60 (most recently). My HIV-clinician seems not concerned about this as it is not increasing significantly and the margin is so very small (in her words).

My question relates to my hair. I used to have strong, thick, bushy dark hair but have noticed since a month or two now how my hair suddenly has become thin and soft and it barely grows. My sister in law is on chemo-therapy and loosing her hair due to that but people have asked me if I am on chemotherapy as this is what it reminds people of. Can you see from the brief details above or from my medication any reason why this may be happening (thining of the hair and reduce speed of growth)? Is it just a case of me getting older (I am 39), the effect is so suddenly noticable though.


Thank you for your question.

I am sorry to hear that you are having problems with hair loss. There are lots of things that can cause hair loss including stress, genetics, age and medication. In relation to HIV medication, 3TC has been known to cause hair loss, although this is rare. Whilst you are not taking 3TC, one of the drugs in Atripla called FTC or emtricitabine is very similar to 3TC. It is possible that changing to a combination of drugs which does not include FTC may stop the hair loss from occurring. You should talk to your HIV doctor about this.

For more information please follow these links, here and here.

As far as your viral load is concerned, your HIV doctor is right that having a detectable value of between 54 and 60 is not significant and could just be as a result of a lab error. If you find your viral load increases rather than just fluctuating around the 50-60 mark then you should first ask for an immediate re-test. If it is still increasing ask your doctor for a resistance test.

Many people get viral load ‘blips’ which is where the viral load increases to just above detectable levels and then goes down again. For more information about why this happens please follow this link

Please let us know how you get on.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Gigio, your results are conclusive. You do not have HIV and you do not require any further tests.

    Hair loss is not a side effect caused by PEP. Please speak with your doctor about possible causes and how to manage it.

  2. Gigio

    Hi, two things,please:
    First went on pep for 28 days, and after 2weeks, 1 month, and 3 months i had blood test for hiv and i was negative, am i safe?
    Second, After 1 month since i stopped pep i started to lose a lot of hair, my hairline is receeded and my scalp is exposed, now is 8 month and my hair still look bad, are they going to recover?


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