Q and A


How can my change in viral load be explained?

I was diagnosed a month ago and the GUM clinic told me my viral load was 45k. I then changed clinics to one near my house (both clinics are in London) and there they told me my viral load was 26k. The time between the two tests was 2 weeks. I didn’t take anything during those 2 weeks, not even vitamins.

How is this big difference possible or how can it be explained?


Thank you for your question.

These results could be explained by several possibilities. Firstly it could be that you were recently infected, in the last few months. When someone is newly infected their viral load becomes very high and then begins to drop as the immune system starts to fight back. Has your CD4 count also increased during this time? For more information please follow this link.

Secondly it could just be a viral load fluctuation especially if you have not seen a big change to your CD4 count as these changes occurred. This can also be common and can happen as a consequence of many different things including lab error. For more information please follow this link.


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