Q and A


My doctor says I have HIV but my antibodies are negative. Can you explain?


I was diagnosed with HIV a week ago, but my doctor said the antibodies tests are showing negative. I am not clear how can I be HIV-positive in this case. Though I had all of the symptoms of HIV such as: high fever, sore throat, lose of appetite, sores in mouse and swollen glands. After a week, I still have swollen glands, but all other symptoms are gone.

My doctor thinks I was infected a maximum three month ago and thats why antibodies are still negative.

Is there a possibility that i am negative? and on what basis I was diagnosed HIV positive?

I want also thank you so much for such a huge support for us.


After being infected with HIV, your body usually takes 4-6 weeks (rarely longer than 3 months) to generate an immune response (ie antibodies). During these first weeks you have HIV infection, but the antibody test, which is used for general testing, is not able to detect it.

If your doctor used a viral load test, and this came back positive, this may be why he can say that you have HIV. Viral load tests look directly for virus particles, and in early infection, the levels of virus in blood are incredibly high. This high level of virus is one of the reasons that you have swollen lymph nodes and the other symptoms.

Together, these symptoms are called ‘seroconversion’ and as your body starts its immune response, this should bring the levels of virus down to much lower levels over the next couple of months.

Information about different types of HIV tests is at this link.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Yrrech,

    If your friend hasn’t has sex with anyone else since her last HIV test, this could be a false positive test. Or, she may have contracted HIV from her sexual partner. If she isn’t a drug user, these are the possibilities. However, I can’t be sure its any of these because I don’t know her or her medical history. Having help with fertility will not have caused her to become HIV positive.

  2. Yrrech


    I have a friend whose been doing a lot of infertility procedure. The last one was 3weeks ago the Hysteroscopy. After 3 days she got an infection and fever and the doctor said maybe she have PID. All her lab investigation results are abnormal LFT,KFT high as well CA125 . They attached a drainage on her bcoz of many pus but bfore doing the OR they check her HIV and was found out positive. She had just her medical last year which includes the HIV and it was negative as well as 3 years ago she had it check. She is married for 2 years and never plays around.How could it happen?