Q and A


I am 22 and want to improve my adherence?

I am 22 and i am really concerned about not taking my meds on time i keep missing a few.

What do i do?



To answer your question I’d need to know which drugs you are using, you most recent CD4 and viral load results and a bit about your history and also whether you already have resistance. Everything in HIV care should be individualised to your circumstances, especially adherence.

Firstly, is your viral load already undetectable? If yes, and it has been for several months, then a missed dose may not make much difference for some combinations. For some combinations you could miss dose every week without a problem but not for others.

If your viral load is not yet undetectable, then you risk developing resistance every time you miss a dose.

You need to be able to talk over your worries about adherence with your doctor. Keep a diary over the next couple of weeks and record the doses you take and the ones that you miss. Write down the time each day that you take your meds.

This is a link to a diary page that you can print off.

Your doctor will then have a real picture of where you are starting from.

Then discuss the triggers that are related to a missed dose. Is there a pattern? For example if it is weekend doses that you miss, then your doctor might suggest a combination where the drugs are slow to leave your body so you have more protection if you miss a dose.

This link includes other adherence tips that might help.

With the right support, most people find a way to get closer to the 100% adherence that is ideal.

By avoiding resistance you will stand the best chance for getting the longest use from each combination.

At 22 now, you will then be much more likely to benefit when the cure is discovered :)


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