Q and A


What are my treatment options after my viral load rebound?

My recent viral load result was 200 which was quite a surprise as it has been undetectable since starting combivir/efavirenz in January 2005. It took only a few months to get it to undetectable.

I am due another viral load test in a week’s time. What are my treatment options if my current regime fails? How many options do you actually have if treatment continue to fail?


Thank you for your questions. You have done the right thing by taking another viral load test. It is very difficult to make conclusions based one result. It is important to put off any treatment regimen changes until you get the results of the second viral load test.

In the UK any result that is detectable should be confirmed with a second test taken as soon as the detectable results is in.

In terms of the cause of viral load results that ‘blip’ above undetectable, one of our colleagues has previously and throughly answered this question before. The answer includes what to do if you need to change treatment.

If you feel that you are still not satisfied with the answer, please come back to us.


  1. SK

    The treatment for citizens of the UK, EU and other countries who live in the UK oficially for 6 months or more receive their treatment free of charge.

  2. Kelvin

    I am living with HIV and would like to start treatment. I am now living in London. How much will it cost me to start treatment.


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