Q and A


Were my results conclusive?

Hello. Please take the time to look at my question. In May 2007 I had protected sex with a woman who I paid to have sex with me of unknown HIV status. When I finished I noticed that there was some blood on my pubic hair and pelvis area. I had no visible cuts or open sores. About 2 months later I took a PCR DNA test for HIV and it came out negative. 3 months after the exposure I had a comprehensive STD panel done (including Hepatitis C). All the results were negative. A few days ago I took an HIV antibody test (about 7 months after exposure) and it too was negative.

I was ready to move on with these results but I read somewhere that Hepatitis C can delay / extend the window period for HIV antibodies to show up. I have also read that the antibodies for Hep C can take anywhere from 3 to 6 months to show. So my two questions are:

1) Do you think my negative Hep C test results 3 months post exposure were conclusive? And…

2) if not, does that mean that my latest HIV test at 7 months are unreliable? Please help! Thanks so much!


To answer your questions directly:

1. It is true that sometimes the window period of Hep C is long, but usually 3 months after a possible infection is enough in the majority of the cases. It is also very unlikely that you would catch hepatitis C from sexual exposure.
2. You say that you had a PCR test for HIV. Its results are not based on antibodies and you should safely assume that you are HIV-negative, unless you did not have an exposure recently.

Also, the way you describe the case, the risks of infection were very low to insignificant to start with.

Often sex workers are better educated about STIs than the general population and would not do things that will expose them to a risk of getting an STI from the client.

Finally, you are wrong to think you can know whether someone is HIV-positive by what they look like or the job they have – not every sex worker is HIV-positive.

Try this MTV internet game to see why.

Hope this helps.


  1. Chrissy

    Anyone needing online support..

    The Nomads is an online support forum for those affected by Hepatitis. Originally set up for HCV patients they have now included a HBV section on their forum. It is a valuable resource for information with items from the latest research, published papers on HCV, treatment and new drug trials. It can only be viewed by registering and all membership is free. It does focus on the social side of support and is a good place to find like minded people in a similar predicament. Carers and health professionals are also members and all are welcome.
