
I had a PCR test and it was positive – how accurate it is?

I went for an hiv test because I had swollen glands on both underneath my ear, chin and groin. A PCR test was carried out, it came back positive even though i didnt put my self at risk. I had
two tests done at work and they both were negative, this was 3month ago. So my doc run the same test again and came back positive, my CD4 was 323. He then recomended me to start treatment. I started immediately becauses I was scared and been on it for a month.

I also learned that PCR test is not 100% and can give you false results. Now I want to go for another ELISA test and my question is, willI I get the right answer that I’m seeking, I am already on therapy?

Can I take the meds knowing that i didnt put my self at risk for the rest of my life? Please help me by responding to my question.


A PCR test (viral load test) are neither approved or recommended for routine HIV testing by people who just want to test more quickly than the four weeks recommended with an antigen/antibody test. They are less accurate (actual infections can easily be missed), more expensive and require more complicated laboratory technology.  For more information about PCR test please take a look at this link (look under Viral load test – PCR).

It very unusal for a doctor to prescribe HIV drugs to someone, based on PCR test, knowing that you did not put yourself at risk.

You did not mentioned the name and type of the tests that was performed at your work 3 months ago and also your most recent test. Do you know whether it is an antibody test?  Also can you please tell me the name of your HIV medication that was prescribe to you by your doctor and your most recent CD4 count? Knowing this will help me to understand your situation properly.  If you are thinking of getting an ELISA Test, then this test will pickup if you are HIV positive.

By the way, do you have any support at the moment?  Getting support from your local support group or a consellor can help you to come to terms living with HIV. Also you will be able to gain and share experiences with others who are in the similiar situation as you, rather than having to deal with it in isolation.

Look forward to hear from you.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Jay,

    Its very possible that one partner is positive, whilst the other is negative. For more info please see Q5 here:

    If you feel like you need to test again please see Q 1 at the same link.

    If you’re partner has tested positive several times, then she will be positive. Therefore, there may be no need to get a second opinion. What she will need to do is start treatment. This is important for her health, and it will also reduce the risk of transmission, be this to a future baby or yourself. So far you have been very lucky.

  2. Jay

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    I trust you are well.

    I do not know whether to say I am well or not. My fiancee who I have been involved with for 4 years, going on 5 went for HIV testing on the 17/01/17 and we found that she was positive and my results came back as negative.

    We both did the 1st test and confirmatory tests with the same results, I then asked if they could also draw my blood and send it to the lab so that we could confirm if these were infact accurate and the lab n came back with the same results with her cd4 count at 764.

    We have been trying to have a baby for almost three years now with no success so my question is how is this possible? I am also uncircumcised which means there is a lot of chances for to catch the virus. Why am testing negative while she is testing positive?

    The HIV counsellor who was helping us did not do a good job in explaining how this happens, the only thing I was told was that I should come back after three months because I could be in the Window period, which I do not understand how because we have been having unprotected sex all along.

    Maybe you could assist in explaining to me how this happens?

    I have also been having abdominal painspains, ringworms but still the finger prick cannot find anything. Could it be that I have a weak immune thats unable to produce antibodies?

    Also someone suggested that I go for a pcr test, were they correct?

    We were thinking of getting a second opinion from another clinic before she starts with her medication, would we be correct if we do this?

    Please kindly help.

  3. raj

    Sir but how much accurate this test is ? In India it is considered to to be one of the most accurate screening test .

  4. Simon Collins

    In the UK HIV DNA tests are not approved for adult diagnosis.

  5. raj

    How much DNA PCR ( qualitative ) is reliable for diagnosis of HIV after three years of exposure ? I m not talking about PCR quantitative test which is used to measure viral load.