Q and A


I am dizzy after taking Atripla for five days

I am recently on Atripla. from 5 days and I feel very dizzy after I take it and also the second day when I wake up.

If I take the pill even my stomach is not empty , it will have the same effect?

I take some recreational drugs sometime (marijuana or coke 1-2 in a month) how is this affect my treatment?


Atripla consists of FTC, tenofovir and efavirenz, combined in one tablet.

Efavirenz has side effects, which can cause headache, nausea or dizziness.  If your symptoms persist, then you should speak to your doctor regarding this matter.  You can always change your medication, but you need to consult with doctor first.

Can I ask how long have you been taking Atripla?

Atripla should be taken on an empty stomach or two hours after a meal. This is because food with a high fat content can increase the drug levels in your body by 60%. This increases the chance that side effect will be more difficult.

Marijuana is sometimes used medically to increase appetite and to help with pain relief. When starting HIV treatment though it is better not to take any recreational drugs, at least for the first few weeks.

This is because you will need to understand whether your HIV drugs are tolerable or not. The side effects from marijuana and cocaine include altered moods, sleep disturbance, euphoria and paranoia. These can also be side effects of efavirenz.

One your HIV treatment is stable and as long as you have no side effects, there is no direct concern about a drug interaction between marijuana and your HIV drugs.

Although there is no drug interaction between cocaine and HIV medication, it does not help your immune system if you take it frequently.  For more information on cocaine and its use please look at the link below:



  1. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Toni,
    Thanks for your email. Smoking marijuana shouldn’t affect the way that your medication works. If you are smoking a lot of marijuana though this can have negative effects on your general health. There is also a risk that you might forget to take your medication if you are high, which could lead to developing drug resistance. There is information about the effects of marijuana on the Talk to Frank website.

    You can get information about Atripla at this page. Please let me know if you have any questions after looking there.

  2. toni

    send me anything about the drug I am taking. atripla. just started taking this medication. I do smoke marijuana everyday all day will it effect my medication in any form.


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