Q and A


I am worried. What shall I do?

Dear i-Base,
Thank you for running this site, it has helped me immensly over the last few weeks. Please let me explain my problem, I stupidly slept with one girl unprotected whose status I did not know over the course of about two weeks. I then developed some funny symptoms about 4-5 weeks later so googled them which was a big mistake as HIV flashed up, so I went for a HIV duo test and full STD screen at a private clininc. It was all negative, however my sore throat continued.

So at 7 weeks I sheepishly returned and got another DUO test, again negative. My symptoms have been ongoing though and at around 9 weeks my lymph nodes in my groin and neck started swelling and i had ‘sensations’ for want of a better in the other nodes around my body. I again decided on an HIV DUO test at 9.5 weeks which was negative again.

However, I have had a rash, thrush, lymph nodes enlarged and a fever but keep coming up negative. The HIV consultant told me there was no chance I could have HIV after all these tests but I’m still worried as to why all these things are cropping up, would you have any advice on what to do?

Please help!

PS – i’m usually very athletic and haven’t been ill for years!


First of all, stop worrying. You are only HIV-positive only if a test proves it. In your case your results show you are HIV-negative.

Go to your GP, so that he/she checks you up for the ‘symptoms’. There are many and diverse reasons that can lead to enlarged lymph nodes and all the rest that you describe. If necessary she/he will refer you to the appropriate specialists.

All the best.