
Is my child HIV positive?

Is my child HIV positive?

I am an HIV positive mother. I was on ARVs throughout my 9 month term, gave birth via C-section, did not breastfeed and my baby was on AZT for 6 weeks.

At 6 weeks my baby underwent a HIV PCR DNA test and he was tested negative.

Our uncertainty stems from a normal or fast HIV test which produces a result in 30min. Maybe a litmus test?

We have just run another HIV PCR DNA test and await the results with great trepidation.

Offer me some hope please?

Many thanks in anticipation.


All babies born to HIV positive mothers will test HIV-positive with an HIV antibody test at first because they share their mother’s antibodies and
immune system.

If the baby does not have HIV, then the mother’s antibodies will slowly disappear, but this may take as long as 18 months.

In your question you mention that your baby was tested using the HIV PCR DNA test. This is the best test for babies. In the UK, babies are tested the
day they are born, and then when they are six weeks and three months old.

If these tests are negative and you did  not breastfeed the baby – as it is in your case – then your baby is not HIV positive.

For a more detailed information on the test, please follow this link to our guide on HIV, pregnancy and women’s health.

With best wishes