Q and A


Do I need treatment if my CD4 count is 240?

My CD4 is 240. In this case, do I have to take the treatment? Thank you.


Starting treatment is something that you need to prepare for and feel in control of.

The current guidelines in the UK say that one should start treatment when his/her CD4 count is between 350 and 200, but closer to 350. Because you are within this range and it is a good idea to consider starting therapy.

As well as your last blood results, you and your doctor should also consider how this has changes over time. If you have been at 250 for the last five years you situation is a bit different to if your CD4 count has been falling steadily with each set of results.

Again, it is better to make sure that you are prepared to start and talk to a counsellor, friends or family who know your HIv status. Hospital services and pharmacists are of great help too.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sbusiso,
    Just to let you know, you aren’t the first person who’s been worried about starting ARVS. There have been many people like you. As your CD4 count is low, it is important to start ARVS. This is even if you are already on TB medication. It you don’t start ARVs your risk of other infections could increase. These are called opportunistic infections. In some countries you may be given Trimoxazole, also known as Setrin or Bactrim. This can help prevent pneumonia and other infections. For more information on HIV and TB please see the following:


    This guide is also about starting ARVS:


  2. Sbusiso

    Hy my cd4count is 192. I’m scared of starting ARVs because I’m also taking TB treatment. Since I started taking them I’ve been having diarrhea. Its been 4 weeks now.


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