Q and A


Just diagnosed with a CD4 1200, what do my digestive problems mean?

Hi. I tested positive last week (May) and my CD4 is just above 1200 and my viral load is 94. My doctor said there were no other infections. Now I am having a problem with my digestive system…it is inflated with light abdominal pains. I am worried of conflicts between my status and my digestive system. What should I do? I’m scared, please HELP!!!



I’m very sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. Finding out you have HIV can be very difficult, do you have any support? Your doctor or clinic should be able to put you in touch with support groups and other HIV positive people. Speaking to other people in a similar situation can not only give you comfort to know that you are not alone, it also enables you to share experiences and listen to how others have coped.

Your CD4 count is a way of measuring how strong your immune system is. A ‘normal’ CD4 count is anything above 500. Your CD4 count is well above this which suggests your immune system is still very strong. Because of this you shouldn’t be more at risk of falling ill. While your CD4 is above 500 you have a similar level of risk of getting other infections as an HIV negative person.

It’s unlikely that your digestive problems are related to your HIV. It’s very normal after being diagnosed with HIV to think that every time you feel unwell this is connected to HIV. But so long as your immune system is strong- and your CD4 is above 500- it’s likely that this is unconnected. As with all symptoms however if this continues, is very uncomfortable, or if you are worried, you should talk to your doctor.

Please follow this link for more information about CD4 counts and your risk of getting ill.

If you have any further questions now, or in the future, please get back in contact and we will do our best to help.


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