Q and A


Does my treatment cause dizzyness?

Hello. I have been on sustiva and truvada for 4 years now. I am undetectable and my CD4 count is close to 700. But, I have recently been on a diet and have dropped 35 lbs, and now am finding a slight dizzy feeling when I get up that lasts a few hours. I have had this problem for a couple months now, and wonder what option I could go on with truvada that will eliminate this groggy feeling.


Feeling dizzy is a symptom associated with Sustiva (efavirenz).

Please follow this link to our guide which explains in more detail, symptoms associated with Sustiva. Please have a read and see if they sound similar to what you are experiencing.

You mentioned that you lost 35lbs on our diet. What was your weight before?  Are you still on the diet? Are you eating well? Are you sleeping ok?

It is possible that as result of the weight loss and change in your diet, you might be getting higher levels of Sustiva. Which may have  resulted in  you experiencing the dizzy feeling.

One option in managing these side effects is to switch drugs. Switching from efavirenz to an alternative drug if you have an undetectable viral load is easy. However, it is important that you describe these symptoms to your doctor. He/she will be able to confirm whether switching will be the best option for you.


  1. John


    My doctor took me off Sustiva and put me on Intelence. I started taking Intelence on thursday July 19, and what a surprise, yesterday all my dizzy feelings and cloudiness in my head dissapeared all at once. I feel absolutely amazing. I am alert again and have incredible energy. It only took 3 days without Sustiva to get my life back. I just thought I would update you and let other people know the great news. THANK YOU for your advice, it worked!

  2. Angelina Namiba

    Hello John
    It’s fantastic that you’re able to maintain a healthy lifestyle and are in great shape!
    I’m really glad that you feel reassured now.
    Good luck with your appointment, and please get in touch should you need further information.
    Best wishes.

  3. John

    Thank you for your response to my question. I was slightly overweight at 190 lbs, but now am 155 lbs and look great for my body size. I reached my goal weight 6 months ago am eating very healthy, no fast foods. I get approx. 9 hours of sleep each night. I have now spoken with my doctor and am meeting with her to discuss getting off sustiva. My doctor had the same answers as you did. So, thank you for your reassurance in this matter. I am in the best shape I have ever been and want to get rid of these groggy feelings. Thank you.


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