Q and A


Where can I find treatment information?

Could you please provide a link or information on where I can find and exhaustive list of potential side-effects both serious and mild of all HIV medicines, and most importantly, their prevalence in the median population?

And also, do we have access to the latest treatment options, such as ‘quad’ in the UK?

Best regards and thank you for your help.



Thank you for your question. For information about side effects of individual HIV medicines the best place to look is the summary of product characteristics (SPC). This can be accessed online. Links to each of these are available through our ARV guide – click on the drug you are interested and then follow the links at the bottom of the page. Information about prevalence is indicated in the the ranking of side effects as ‘very common, common, rare’ etc. as shown in the SPC. More information about side effects can also be found in our HIV and your quality of life guide.

In the UK we have access to the newest treatments, after they have been approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA). This is provided that there is a clinical benefit to using the newer drugs over the older drugs. Quad is still undergoing trials and is therefore not yet available outside of those trials. We have recently published a Pipeline Report into HIV treatment development. This link will take you to information about the antiretroviral pipeline which has further information about HIV treatment in development.


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