Q and A


What do these lab results mean?


Could you tell me what a CD4 count of 391 cells/mm3, a CD4% of 48%, and a viral load of 6730 means?

Am i sick?

Many thanks


These results are all within normal ranges.

With HIV though everything is individual, so you need to monitor the results every 3-4 months to see how they change in the future.

For the moment though, especially if you have no symptoms, things are good.

Your CD4 count is above 350 which is the guide for starting treatment. The CD4% means that your overall immune system is in balance and similar to an HIV-negative person. Your viral load is currently low for someone not on treatment. Most people start treatment when their viral load is between 50,000 and 100,000 copies/mL.

I am assuming you are not on treatment. If you are on treatment, then your viral load may still be going down. On treatment, your viral load needs to get to undetectable (less than 50 copies/mL.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nelly,

    You’re doing great. Your HIV is completely under control. This is fantastic. What this also means is that you cannot transmit HIV to sexual partners. Please see Q’s 9 and 14 here: http://i-base.info/qa/what-are-the-most-asked-questions

    Best of luck with trying for a child.

  2. Nelly


    Quick question, am on ARVs and my CD4 count is 734 and viral load is 40 means am OK or what

    My self and my partner we wanna try for a child but we not sho what to do

    Or should I increase my CD4 not even infected him

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Lungi, it sounds like you have just been very lucky in having a strong immune response against HIV. This is reported by only 1 in 100 people (about 1%). There might still be reasons for you to start treatment, but there is nothing urgent. Please talk to your doctor though about how guidelines have changed over tha last 15 years. If you want to start treatment now, you can do, and there is likely to be a small benefit.

  4. Lungi

    My CD4 count is 734 whereas my viral load is 8514 I have been living with HIV for 16 years now and never been on treatment. Could you please advise if this is looking good or what. I guess the mistake that I have done wasn’t keeping track of my previous results so to compare.

  5. james

    Thank you, Simon, I am not on treatment yet, so things look


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