
Can I be negative when my wife is positive?

I have been living with my wife for one year and she tested positive for HIV recently. I went for a test and the results came back negative. I will go again after three months to do another test.

What I would like to know is if its possible to live with someone for that long and contract the virus without using a condom all along?


I am sorry about your wife’s recent diagnosis. How is she doing? Is she in touch with support groups for people living with HIV? In addition to your support, she may find it helpful to talk to other positive people. Many find it helps to share experiences of a new diagnosis and having partners who have tested negative.

In response to your question, It is possible to be with a positive partner for a year and not catch HIV.  This is quite common. It can happen even if you have been having unprotected sex.

There are a number of reasons for this  and one of them  could be down to luck. Other reasons include the fact that not every exposure results in transmission.

Even though you have been exposed and not infected, you can still become infected. Genetics may explain some cases of protection, but most are just down to luck and chance.

Please follow this link to an earlier similar question which has been answered in more detail.

Best wishes