Q and A


Could those be HIV-symptoms?

Hello, I have been reading your website for some time and find your work really helpful for everyone either directly affected by HIV or their loved ones. After years of not being tested and a few times of possible exposure to the virus, I finally forced myself to test myself. I still have not received the results but I expect them to be positive as for the last few months I have been experiencing some symptoms which do not respond to treatment. Over a year ago, I developed on my face some dry skin which then progressed to the rest of my face causing redness. Also, I had inflamed scalp after having a shower. A dermatologist diagnosed me with seborrohoeic dermatitis. Furthermore, a couple of months ago I got red rash near my chest which turned darker a while after. When I went to get checked in a clinic, the doctor had a look at the rash and said its not a typical HIV rash. Could you please tell me whether those are HIV related symptoms and whether that means that my immune system could be severely damaged? The health advisor told me that some new infected have very low CD4 without feeling ill. I am just worried sick that I may have left it very late therefore reducing my chances for a better future. Can I just say that I am not feeling unwell apart from those symptoms? Thank you and waiting anxiously for your answer.


I am afraid the only way to know your status is a test. The so-called ‘symptoms’ mean actually nothing, as they can be a result of many other reasons. There are millions of people around the world who have dermatitis and rashes and the majority of them are HIV-negative. There is a very good chance that you are negative too.

Hope this helps and