Q and A


How soon after starting treatment could we try for a baby?

Hi, I just started taking Tribuss six weeks ago. My fiancé, who’s negative wants a child. How are our chances of having a biological child without putting my fiancé at risk of being infected?



Please excuse me if I have this the wrong way round, but I am assuming that you are female and your partner is male.

If this is the case, then you can try to become pregnant using self insemination at any time without putting your partner at any risk. If you want to reduce the risk to your partner while conceiving during sex, then guidelines suggest that the positive partner should have an undetectable viral load for sim months before not using condoms. This is because it can take long for viral load to become undetectable in genital fluid compared to in blood.

Please see these links to the HIV and pregnancy guide:

Planning your pregnancy

This Q&A recently answered a similar question from the perspective of the man being positive.

How long after starting treatment can we conceive?


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