Q and A


We’re both positive- can we adopt?

Both my partner and I have recently been diagnosed with HIV. Previous to the diagnosis we were looking into adoption and now having HIV are concerned that we may not be able to consider adoption. We are both males living in the UK.

I have read that it maybe possible to adopt overseas witout testing and also the possibility of adopting an HIV infected child from overseas too, can you shed any light on this please?



Thank-you for your question. I’m sorry to hear about you and your partner’s recent diagnoses. How are you both coping?

Finding out you have HIV shouldn’t stop you thinking about adoption. Having HIV does not mean you can’t adopt.

Similarly, you can adopt or foster a child if you are single, or if you are gay or lesbian, as long as you can show that you can meet a child’s needs.

i-Base are not experts in adoption or other legal matters. It’s a good idea to get expert advice about this. THT should be able to help with this information.

You might also want to try contacting Barnardos, a UK adoption charity.

I wish you the best of luck with your plans!


  1. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Anton,

    I recommend contacting Barnardos using the link above to find out more about this. You may also find this article in the guardian interesting, which discusses the Project Hopeful HIV positive adoption support organisation.

  2. Anton

    Hi there
    Me and my civil partner (also male), are in a similar situation, I’m pozitive and he negative
    We are looking into adoption,

    Is it possible to adopt an HIV positive child from abroad within the uk?
    I read somewhere that the governed font slow disabled children from abroad to be adopted, which included HIV children,

    Where can I find out more on this?

    Kind regards Anton

  3. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi, for information about getting pregnant when you’re both positive please see our pregnancy guide. Let me know if you have questions after reading it!

  4. nthabiseng

    hi me and my partner are both positive and we want to have a baby. We are on ARVSs can we have it naturally?


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