Q and A


Will that be considered an overdose?

I take Truvada and Stocrin (efavirenz) at 20H00, however last night at about 20H20 I went to the loo. In my mind I kept telling myself that these pills are no longer within me, so at about 21H15 I took another dose. So my concern is that would this be considered ARVs overdose or was it the right thing to do? Most importantly is the development of resistance due to uneven levels of medication in the bloodstream. Very much concerned and does not want a repeat in the future.


Taking 2 doses of your medicines increases the risk of side effects and toxicities. That is why, it is important to take the pills as they are prescribed. A one off case like this will hardly have any effect, but you should avoid this in the long run.

As for resistance, it may appear when you do not have enough medicine in the body, rather then when you have too much, so no worries about it. There is a very good explanation about resistance here.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Suzan, please see here: https://i-base.info/qa/19680

  2. Suzan

    20 tabs suicidal

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nthabiseng, why did you take so many? Are you able to seek medical advice for this? Talking a doctor or pharmacist will be best advised to offer information.

  4. Nthabiseng

    I took more Than 5 ARV what will happen to me

  5. Meshack

    Thank you very much for your response on the subject of `Overdose` You are a star.


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