Q and A


What do you think of the Swiss statement?

After reading the Swiss report, that if you take your meds as prescribed and you are undetectable for over 6 months, providing you still take your meds etc, then you will be sexually uninfectios, now in Germany they are agreeing, saying it’s as effective as a condom, though this is a heterosexual study, the German report says it should b the same for gay men.

Do you think this is true and in time do you think it will become the norm, that all countrys will eventually say the same? I am not asking this so as to have unprotected sex, it’s just me wondering if it’s true, and knowing this would make me feel a whole lot better.


The Swiss Statement is very important – is shows that effective ART is now believed to dramatically reduce the risk of transmission to close to zero.

It also raises major questions (i.e. more than 10 years after HAART led to major decrease in VL in millions of people, we do not have a single proper study on transmission at the background of undetectable VL).

As a very traditional activist, I tend to question all data and some of the questions that the Swiss Statement does not answer still are published in the following two articles: here and here.

Happy to discuss this further if you have questions after reading the articles.