Q and A


My CD4 is 428, can I get pregnant?

My CD4 count is 428. I am on treatment.

Is it risky for to try to get pregnant now?

Also, how can I increase my CD4 count?



Thanks for your email. Your CD4 count is very good. If you have recently started treatment your CD4 count should increase slowly over time. There are no supplements or treatments except ARVs that will help increase your CD4 count. You can read more about CD4 count increases in our Introduction to combination therapy.

Lots of HIV positive women get pregnant and have healthy babies. If you are thinking about getting pregnant your doctor or nurse should be able to advise you about this. Our pregnancy FAQs page answers some of the most common questions people have about this. We also have a guide to HIV and pregnancy which has lots more information.

Please let me know if you have any questions!


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Sandra,
    Unfortunately we are not doctors at i-Base, but we do give treatment information for HIV.
    However, it’s important that you talk to the doctors at the clinic about your scan. You can talk to the doctors about your injections too.

  2. Sandra

    Tnx very much I also have another question at my 5weeks scan said no foetal pole in the sac that the scan wl be repeated in 2weeks time what could be the problems? But meanwhile I have started taking injection to boost the pregnancy is it advisable?

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Sandra,
    Congratulations on your pregnancy.

    Your HIV treatment (ART) can help your CD4 count to recover. And now that you’re pregnant ART can also protect your baby from HIV. Looking after your own health is important for your baby’s health too.

    Thousands of women have taken ART all over the world without any complications. This has resulted in many healthy HIV negative babies.

    There’s lots of info in this guide to HIV, pregnancy and women’s health.

  4. Sandra

    I am 42 and 4weeks pregnant how can I increased my cd4

  5. Lisa Thorley
  6. Sandra

    Stopping ARVS at a time the implications

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nandir,

    When someone is pregnant what’s important is their viral load, and not their CD4 count. The lower a persons viral load is the less risk their is of transmission. Do you know what your viral load is? For more info about pregnancy, please see here:


  8. Nandir

    I am positive with 7months pregnant and with 410 CD4 count. How possible it’s for my Child to be nagetive

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Violet,

    From what you’ve said you stopped menstruating before you were positive,and even if you’re on ARVs this won’t be the reason why you aren’t menstruating. Therefore, this is something that you need to talk to a fertility specialist about.

  10. Violet

    Hi I am 42, been HIV positive for 11years, living healthy but stopped menstruating when I was 29. Are there any meds I can use to get my menstruation back?


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