Q and A


Can I avoid body shape changes?

Is there anything I can do to avoid body shape change when on medication (Tribuss)?



Although it’s normal to be worried about side effects the actual risk of body shape changes with Tribuss (also known as Atripla) is very low. This only affects a small number of people taking this medication. If you do notice any body shape changes which you think are a side effect you should speak to your doctor about changing treatment. But with a rare side effect like this its best to try not to worry about it unless it actually happens.

Please see this previous question for more information about changes in body shape (called lipodystrophy).


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Zizi,

    There’s NO chance of you contracting HIV from your husband. It’s 100% OK to have sex without condoms. Please see here: http://i-base.info/u-equals-u/

  2. Zizi

    Hi Im 37 year old women, my husband has been diagnosed hiv positive in February 2019 and I’m HIV negative, he has been open to me about his status ever since and we were using condom but after six months in treatment his virul load was undetectable and we started not to use condom anymore but I’m scared,my question is how likely to get the virus wen my partner’s virus is undetectable


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