Q and A


Is this AIDS dementia?

I have not long been diagnosed with HIV I came down with Ramsay Hunt syndrome. I went to my GP and insisted on tests for everything and found out I was HIV-positive. My first results are CD4 count of 94 and a viral load of 1200. I asked him what does that mean and he said I have had HIV for a long time. Does HIV affect the brain if left unchecked, because I am forgeting things quite quickly? I had a CT scan last week and all was ok. Is this AIDS dementia and if so can anything be done?


Years ago, when HIV-infection was not treated with the modern medicines or not treated at all, there was a large number of cases of AIDS related dementia.

This changed immensely with the introduction of HAART and nowadays this condition is rarely seen. This does not exclude the chance though.

It is important your doctor to do some further checks (sometimes a clinical psychologist does that too), because the underlying reason for your forgetfulness may be age, genetic background, side effects of some treatments, HIV itsels and many others. Finding the exact reason will allow you to treat the condition.

In addition, some ARVs are better in crossing the blood-brain barrier and may be more appropriate in your case that others. I am not able to comment on this, however, at the moment, as I do not know your current combination therapy.

I will gladly provide further information if you decide to give me some more details about your current treatment.


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