Q and A


Can I take amoxicillin with ARVs?

Can I take augmentin(amoxicillin) with hiv prescriptions Truvada, Prezista (darunavir) and norvir (ritonavir)?



Thanks for your question. There are no interactions expected between these ARVs and amoxicillin. It is always a good idea to check with your HIV doctor or pharmacist before taking any new medicines.

You can also check for interactions at HIV-Druginteractions.org


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Meggie, at i-base we are not doctors. Please speak with a doctor if you are concerned about the symptoms you are experiencing.

  2. Meggie

    Hi yesterday around past 5 in the afternoon I have a big Pain on my right side of my head Nd eye Nd this morning I woke up with my right side of my eye swelling. What can be the cause for that.


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