Q and A


I am undetectable, can I infect my boyfriend?


I am undetectable for a few years now and a good cd4 count. I had unprotected sex with my bf a few times and would like to know how likely is it that I may have infected him?

He is negative. There was no ejaculation but may have been some pre-cum. I am female.



Thanks for your email. If you are undetectable, you have excellent adherence and you don’t have any sexually transmitted infections the risk of infecting your boyfriend is very low, close to zero. This doesn’t mean that it is impossible, just that it is very unlikely.

This is explained in the Swiss statement, which is also discussed on this page of our pregnancy guide. Have a look there for more information and then let me know if you have any questions.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Maxwell, as you have been undetectable for the last 3 years there is no risk of transmission. When undetectable it is impossible to pass on HIV via sex. This is called U=U: https://i-base.info/u-equals-u/

    This means that you can have sex without a condom and there is no risk to your girlfriend. This also means that her current symptoms are not caused by HIV.

  2. Maxwell

    My girlfriend of 3yrs I’m undetectable viral load, we had unprotected sex using withdrawal method and before that I masturbate we had sex 7times over 3yrs of dating starting in February 2023 till September 19th 2023 we barley because I try to avoid it, per my last viral load test my doctor said it best and my cd4 cell awesome in last year June I did another viral load test 2weeks ago waiting for my results. But my girlfriend weight Loss, heart/chest pain, vomit and headache sometimes buh due to stress something because of house choice so I always advice her to eat and get enough rest. But please still want to ask is there anything I should know

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Lee, being undetectable means HIV cannot be transmitted. Even with your friend ejaculating in you, there is no risk of transmission. This is explained by U=U: https://i-base.info/u-equals-u/ U=U means that when someone is on treatment with an undetectable viral load, it is impossible for them to pass on HIV via sex. Even when a condom isn’t used there is no risk.

  4. Prince

    My friend is undetectable on his check up he was told the extremely low and the doctor said its a miracle the virus cannot be found in his system and hes on meds but he ejaculated in me 3 weeks ago im just still scared in my mind

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Koena,

    If your boyfriends viral load is undetectable, then no you aren’t at any risk. Could you ask him what his viral load is? If you aren’t positive, then your baby isn’t at risk. This is because babies contract HIV from their mothers, and not from their fathers.

  6. koena

    my boyfriend is on odimone treatment and 3months back I tested negative.but now I am pregnant.is my baby at risk and me am I at risk?

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Mike

    I redited you long comment because most of it was unclear. If you partner is HIV positive then after she is on treatment there is no need to use condoms. Being on treatment with an undetectable vral load makes transmission very unlikely. You can then continue you life together as many other couple do. Your girlfirend needs to want to take treatment thoguh for her own health.


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