Q and A


Can I have a glass of wine with my meds?


I’m on darunavir/ritonivir + Truvada (tenifovir+FTC) and have been undetectable for a year now!

I’d like to have a glass of wine with my meal at night but I told by some sources that its okay and by others that I shouldn’t drink!

Can you tell me if I can have a glass of wine each nite while on this combination?


Thanks for posting a question and for allowing us to answer it online.

As long as there are no other medical reasons for you not to drink, it is fine to have a glass of wine with your meds.

HIV drugs do not interact with alcohol, with the main caution being excess drinking if you forget to take your meds, or liver damage if you have viral hepatitis.

Some meds need to be taken on an empty stomach, but not the drugs in your combination, which need to be taken with food. Including a glass of wine will be fine.

Great that your combination is going so well.


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